Tea collections
Tea Origin
Darjeeling's name gets well known all around the world. Darjeeling tea is often called 'Champagne' of tea due to its flavour and aroma. There are 87 tea estates and each garden produces unique teas.
Assam, India is one of the biggest tea production region. Second flush tea, harvested in early summer produces rich and mouth-filling. It is very popular with milk.
Niligiri means "Blue Mountains" and it is really blue mountains. They are some of the highest grown teas in the world, up to 2,500 meters elevation. Tea is very aromatic, smooth and sweet.
In Taiwan, oolong tea is the most popular and its quality is quite high. Taiwan is with its many uphills and downhills, and even on level ground tea producers strive to manufacture aromatic teas.
Commercial cultivation of tea began in Kenya in 1924 and the country is now the third largest tea producer in the world. It is also produced at an altitude of 1500-2700 m, which maintains the high quality of the tea.
Nuwara area
Nuwara area, the production area of Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) in the Indian Ocean. It has the highest altitude of all Sri Lanka's production areas and the quality season is February/March.
Over 99 % of tea production is green tea in Japan. Recently, Japanese tea producers have shifted to make fine black tea. It won’t be long before you find Japanese black tea in your neighborhood?
United Kingdom
The UK is the land of tea. It excels in the art of blending teas to make them tasty, and Earl Grey, which was born in the UK, is very popular all over the world. The skills of the blenders and tasters are also first class.
The history of tea is said to be more than 4,000 years old and its origin is in China. China still produces the most tea in the world and has the largest variety of tea in the world.
Lotus tea is the most famous tea in Vietnam, but the country also has a strong reputation for its leaf tea production. Hundreds of years old trees grow in the north, and ethnic minorities have been making tea for a long time.
Attraction of tea
World tea plantation conditions, news, history, tea basics, etc.